Marketing to Moms: Shout Out to Hallmark
Hallmark Markets to Moms
The other day I was in a Hallmark store buying Halloween cards, and it struck me that this brand is a great example of one that really understands and supports a mom’s need for community.
Moms, or all women for that matter, are part of multiple communities, from family and the workplace, to children’s and social groups, to online groups. In order to develop a meaningful relationship with these women, it’s important that brands show support for these communities. One way to do that is to identify a touch point that has emotional relevance to Mom (and her peers) and present it in a way that also provides a sense of validation on her part.
A recent study indicates that 90 percent of women agree that greeting cards can lift their spirits and lighten a heavy burden.
Hallmark acknowledges that not all moms are living the perfect lives so often depicted in the media, and has made it easier to find cards that offer words of encouragement or support with its Encouragement Cards line. This line of cards, addressing a variety of life situations including job loss, cancer treatment, stress, self-improvement, divorce, and caregiving, helps moms support other moms in their communities through challenging life events.
In addition, Hallmark introduced the Kids Encouragement line, providing moms with another platform for showing love, support and pride in their children.
Hallmark’s ongoing innovation shows a keen understanding of how to create an emotional bond with its primary customers, and how even the simple effort of sending a card can create a lasting impression and emotional bond between sender and receiver.
So, since I “care enough to send the very best,” I’m giving a shout out to Hallmark.
November 16, 2012 @ 11:53 am
I had the pleasure of working at Hallmark as an intern way back when I was in business school. They definitely live their commitment to moms internally.
While I was there I saw many strong women who had taken a lighter role during busy home years (with younger kids) be placed in senior management positions once they were ready to come back. Importantly, these women were not held back because they had not stayed on the fast track the entire time.
Women get the lion’s share of family responsibilities – young kids, aging parents, etc. I think the companies that actually figure out how to help women get the flexibility they need when they need it will end up with a powerhouse group of committed female managers. Until then, the stigma of “mom” and “caregiver” remains (unless you work at Crown Center).