Do Teen Preferences Rule Your Marketing to Women Strategy?

Marketing to Texting Teens

There has been quite a bit of talk lately regarding the exodus of teens from Facebook.  A recent Business Insider story noted that teens are obsessed with Instagram and Snapchat, but are less enthralled with Facebook.  And while the reasons that Facebook has become “boring” could be many  for teens (including the fact that nothing is cool if your parents are involved), it doesn’t make Facebook irrelevant for key audiences.  Teens typically are on the cutting edge of technology, adopting new platforms faster than I can whip up a batch of my chocolate chip cookies.  For marketers, it’s important to clearly understand your target audience, and where they spend their time engaging with their communities.  And if as a marketer you are targeting women, then Facebook is still a relevant place to engage them.

Question: can you clearly identify where your audiences/customers spend their time online?