Rethinking Grandma
I was reading Holly Buchanan’s blog the other day and nearly fell off my chair laughing – she was so right! The topic was grandmothers – and how they are perceived in today’s marketing world. Here were the photos:
The reality:
And the marketer’s stereotypical perception:
Holly reminded us that today’s grandmothers are active, affluent and very involved in their kids and grandkids lives. They’re also typically boomer women – the demographic that, though invisible to most marketers, carries the most buying power clout. They have more discretionary income, and will experience the biggest transference of wealth over the next decade.
So marketers, ignore these women at your peril! Thanks Holly.
Do you have a strategy for building a relationship with this important demographic in 2012?
January 12, 2012 @ 1:39 pm
This is SO true. Marketers are totally missing the mark. The Boomers will not be Your Mother’s Grandmother — they will do it their way and change grandparenting forever!
January 12, 2012 @ 2:36 pm
Thanks, Nancy – I agree. It seems like boomers are getting an additional decade of life, but it’s not tacked on at the end — it’s right in the middle. So enjoy!